@ the Hoxton Courtyard Theatre, London, a month ago. Ed wiping up a pint I spilt.
Need to wipe my face all the time or I get a sweat-moustache.
Nah. I don't want to sweat and take another shower today.
Although I feel a bit pudgey, I don't feel like going. I know I'll like it and I'll be good at it. Alex says "you've got the build." Hell yeah!
I am quite wobbly, maybe that's good, keeps me moving my sporty feet.
I'm signing up for the volleyball team on Friday. That'll make the team captain happy. Fraser is his name. EunYi thinks he likes me - he's tall, but that's it.
Tomorrow I am going to jog and have my one shower a day.
Tonight I am going to drink and be merry!
(But first I must hit the books).