Wednesday 30 September 2009


@ the Hoxton Courtyard Theatre, London, a month ago. Ed wiping up a pint I spilt.
I'm real ugly when I'm sweaty. All shiny, wet and red.
Need to wipe my face all the time or I get a sweat-moustache.

Nah. I don't want to sweat and take another shower today.
Although I feel a bit pudgey, I don't feel like going. I know I'll like it and I'll be good at it. Alex says "you've got the build." Hell yeah!
I am quite wobbly, maybe that's good, keeps me moving my sporty feet.

I'm signing up for the volleyball team on Friday. That'll make the team captain happy. Fraser is his name. EunYi thinks he likes me - he's tall, but that's it.

Tomorrow I am going to jog and have my one shower a day.

Tonight I am going to drink and be merry!
(But first I must hit the books).

brand new bright eyes.

Googly eyes and shiny freshness.

I went to Overgate shopping centre to sort my life out.
Came back with a pair of spectacles my daddy sent from
the land of Små Grodorna.
Money was spent on a brand new phone, it is shiny and it was cheap.
Do I want to sweat myself indescent in the form of volleyball practice? Yes. Going at 6:30 today.

"French" Toast

EunYi makes great eggy toast!
I stay classy with skanky cider.

Tuesday 29 September 2009


@ Fat Sam's on Sunday. This City on top, the Xcerts below.

I am so grossed out right now. Thank you, Kirsten. Vomit in my brain.
I trekked to the library with K and EunYi, the squares that we are on a Tuesday evening.
Talking about pink leaflets and Boyz 2 Men. And unintentional eavesdropping. Rotting my brains out. I should get back to reading and behave accordingly. Goal of the year: bookworm.

Minging & Purple

T-shirt, American Apparel (Williamsburg), necklace, family treat, jeans, H&M, shoes, Docs.

Going to the GP to get some pills. BRB. It's a rainy afternoon here in sunny Dundee.

Monday 28 September 2009


I thought I would make a point.

I am a traitor because I am Swedish and we're simply too "neutral" for our own moral good. We were "neutral" towards the Nazis. Well we're Aryan, so I guess not causing too much of a problem, ethnically speaking. Gross behaviour.

I went to the Psychology experiment and got a bar of chocolate. I studied at the library. I've had a two for one gourmet burger with EunYi @ Ketchup. She taught Kirsten and me how to roll cigarettes. Now we master the art. I have one lecture at three tomorrow, yet I am going to bed now. Too cool for school.

not my kind of music, my kind of men.

Jacket, vintage (Dapa Boutique), scarf, Indiska, pocket watch, family treat,
top, Urban Outfitters, skirt, American Apparel, shoes, Doc Martens.

Fat Sam's was good fun tonight. EunYi flaunted her amazing skills as a roller girl, Jamie sang along to all the tunes. Now I am heading for an early night, a Psychology experiment awaits at noon. Third time's the charm.

Sunday 27 September 2009

Sweaty as fuck

Status: in dire need of a shower
Old doggy so cute. Shot by my brother with his new camera.

I've been skype-ing with my bro and mom, he's got a new camera along with the newest iPhone... I don't even have a phone.
The sweat has dried into my skin. I stink. I miss my dog. Hopping into the shower.
Making curry with EunYi soon, then going to the Xcerts at Fat Sam's.

Night Out Night In

At the Union, a couple hours back. EunYi and I and who knows.

Kirsten and I about an hour ago, silly drunken behaviour in the kitchen.

I'm home and going to bed before five. Went to the Student Union.
I am finishing off a Corona with lime in my bedroom.
Tomorrow an early jog awaits - fitness to the max.
I don't like people who went to bed over an hour ago. They suck. Night.

Saturday 26 September 2009

all I am is black

Necklace, New Look, Top, Bik Bok, Belt, Gina Tricot, Skirt, American Apparel.

"Changing underwear doesn't count as changing your outfit."
Thank you, Jamie. I am doing my laundry now.

I need to get some alcohol in me to bring me up from this down.


Bedtime cigarette, window view, at break of dawn this morning.

Woke up not so very long ago. I stayed in on a Friday night. Studying IT, catching up with Swedish media and watching Kidulthood with the boys. Flat 8, go crazy! Now I ought to freshen up and fetch myself a copy of the Financial Times, Saturday edition.
Needless to say, I did not go to bed before 5 am.

Friday 25 September 2009

I Suck.

Lonely in Bristol, lonely on the roof in Westbourne Park, London,
late July - mid August.

What the fuck is my problem? I need to start going to bed before 5 am.
Actually get up when my alarm goes off. That's my goal of the year.
There have been no ramnifactions of my actions as of yet. There will be soon.
Pull up my socks and put on my glasses. Hitting the books!

Yesterday was awesome. Today I stink.
J, E and I went to the Open Mic Night. Some rapey French monsieurs wanted us to join their afterparty. Ditched those sketchy gentlemen, and joined a couple of mellow members of the Band Society. Went to Istanbul to buy chips. Came back half an hour later from the cold, cold night because Jamie and the fellas were having manly handshake-moments.

Best wash my pits and face!

Thursday 24 September 2009

Flatmates & Cunts

In my room, at my desk, that's were I ought to stay for the next couple of hours.

I'm pissed off and I need to study. Not a good combination. And I just had a Corona. Christ. God. Earplugs.

Waste of Time & Money

Shopping spreee at Overgate yesterday. Keepers: top from Topshop, necklace from New Look.

The best quote from yesterday with the lamest intentions (Jamie):
"Kate Moss is almost skinnier than you!"

I have to sort my shit out. I missed the psychology experiment I was signed up for today. I feel really bad about it. I am a lame person. I hit the "snooze button" on my new alarm clock. Jesus. It doesn't have a snooze button. Better get ready for class.

Bagels & Istanbul

@ Notting Hill Gate coming home from shitty work at a posh restaurant in Mayfair, London, about 4 weeks ago, mid August.

Yes. I went to the student shopping spree night at the Overgate shopping centre in Dundee. Spent a fortune. Then discovered my student loan was in. Not as devastated. But still returning items that I may or may not look too voluptuous in. I am one curvy skinny girl. That's what my new high waisted skirt tells you.

Then. I got drunk in my flat. Started dancing. Energy bubbling inside me wanting to get out. My flatmates doing fuck all (?) Chatting in the hallway. I felt lonely in the kitchen with Fraser drinking my Strongbow and dreaming about someone else. I wanted to party.

Kirsten is my favorite flatmate. We have the same *drive. I ate chips that other people payed for. I payed for a lot of skirts and jeans and shoes today. Goodnight I guess is what I'm trying to say? I'm scheduled for a psychology experiment tomorrow 11 am. I will be a total tool.

Wednesday 23 September 2009


Vomit & Exemption

Save the day like J & E [@ Mono during Fresher's week]

There is vomit in the stairway and I got exempted from the first two weeks of IT class! Without having the required Office programs to ace the test. Thanks to my flatmate Jamie.

My eye is better thanks to EunYi - "don't touch your eye!"
I forgot the basics, I who thought myself old and wise.

Jesus Christ

@ a gallery on 18th st in New York, late April.
The blasphemy! I'm very upset that my eye isn't improving in any way. It's ruining my life. I have IT class in fifteen minutes and a Psychology lecture straight after that. I think I'll only make it to the tutorial. Ouch! Whatever is in my eye get out!

Tuesday 22 September 2009

Cramps & Desire

I am not going to the pubcrawl. I hurt too much.

Red Eye & Death of a Mobile

@ The Foundry, Shoreditch, London. ca 2 weeks ago, late August - early September

I have had class for a week, I'm into my second. No hard work. Just drinking and smoking.
I'm getting bored. I came here to amend brain damage, not to encourage any further blows to my pretty head.
I eat well, I exercise when I'm not sick. But apart from that I've been killing my body.
14 units a week? 14 units a night. I have developed a Scottish tolerance for alcohol.
But drinks at the Union are cheap. I'll stay rich or die tryin'.

My eyes are dying and my phone is dead. I'm too cheap to buy a new one. I'll force myself tomorrow. Nothing is ever good enough. Everything is too expensive or ugly.

Pharmaceuticals and alcoholic beverages are cheap here. Eye drops - £1.46. Smirnoff Vodka - £10.

I am going to a pub crawl tonight if my squeaky stomache and red eyes will let me. I don't want to freak anyone out.