Saturday 19 February 2011

My Face is Still Blue

This has been a scatterbrained couple of weekdays albeit fun and new.
I finally put up my clothes rail, but only a couple of garments are up.
It's almost time to look for a new place again.
How did this year go so quickly?
I've been going out, chilling out, going to lunch meetings, business talks, band practices and recording sessions.
Last night I hit Bass Orgy looking like Avatar. I looked like the real thing...
Not everyday you get a kick ass art student to paint your face, so I made the most of it.. I think.
But I felt really drowsy, I am pretty sure it was the dermatologist approved-paint.
Better go scrub some of that blue out of my pores.

Room no longer in ruins:
Annuka getting an Amazonian face done by Annie
Bryndìs making Annie's face a work of Abstract art after painting me blue:
The final face before running to Bass Orgy
Annie brought her bag of tricks
The crowd:
Paul on the floor pt 2:
You can see why this would be hard to clean off:

1 comment:

  1. u r such a cute avatar!

    haha the puking in the car was now in the us XD it was actually worse of a date but i had to censor it on the blog a little sugarcoat u know.

    love the pics and updates!!!
