Wednesday 23 February 2011

Surf Club AGM & Open Mic

Yesterday I was voted Treasurer for Surf Club, after being the only one out of those running for a position who took it seriously and actually delivered a compelling speech.

So that was a good start! Then we carried on to open mic night at Art Bar, splendid as usual. Sharpie put me up as a separate act when I just wanted to continue after Chris and myself, so I just played one song. I played Fiest's Gatekeeper after the brilliant guitarist Paul had come on...

A DUBS founded band played (they haven't a name yet)
Three matching shirts!

Authentic French, Swiss and a Scot
Crazy eyes for you

Hat people say good-bye in a new fashion


  1. Du får mig att bara dricka öl och lyssna på bra musik resten av mitt liv! :D Vi borde verkligen mötas upp i London i vår, går du i skolan mån-fre så du har tid att komma dit över en helg eller så? Eller har du lov nånting?
    Tänkte bara säga att jag bytt bloggadress också, var aldrig nöjd med det gamla!

  2. Haha! Ja! går i skolan Mån-Fre, så vi borde köra på en fest/chillax helg, där vi bokar in oss på ett coolt billigt hotell (typ the Pavilion) och strosar runt, kollar killar, klubbar och gigs och dricker Red Stripe på Brick Lane!
    typ 1-4 april? :-)
