Friday 4 June 2010

Yesterday's London

Got home from a great evening in East London. Am supposed to be going back again today. I have counted my money. I have 48 or so quid left. Which means I miscalculated my amount of cash before - luckily enough I could top up my oyster card with my visa through signature (can't remember the pin...) but that's pretty much it, nowhere else do they seem to accept cards with signature only. Basically the bundle of cash spent yesterday was on travel (super off peak return ticket £8.20)and food (£1.50 on a big long spinach cheese filled pastry as the market was closing). However I owe Jelena £65 for the vintage shopping I did.... leather shorts and a top.

Today I was planning to have lunch with Karma (Karma and Seb are so nice and offer drinks, breakfast and dinner, it's how I survive) and then send out some CV's print off a CV to hand in to Karen Millen (that my friend's just leaving, so they're needing staff ASAP) and lie to their faces about having 6 months retail experience, hand them my CV which apparently they won't look at, if you're tall and pretty, you'll get a trial. I don't like lying, but this is what she's convinced me to do, haha.

Then drop by AA to see Jelena and see if José is in town, what he's up to.
Then go to the V&A for the free exhibitions on Alice in Wonderland and Rock Legends.
After this I am going to a gig then home to Karma. Hopefully I can convince her to join me!
Haven't seen her much, she's working so much!

I want to get my phone fixed, 3!

Waterloo footbridge:
Inbetween Spitalfeilds and Brick Lane:
Bought my pastry thing at Spitalfeilds and ate it in the residential park behind the big HSBC building:
Went to Brick Lane for the Free Range Opening:
The fashion show:

Went to see the "art" with Jelena and her hubby

I prefer the murals outside the gallery:
Went to the East End Thrift Store Opening, more free booze:

This is what I bought:

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