Thursday 30 December 2010

Artsy Dreams

Yesterday I met up with Regina in town, boy, Helsingborg is looking snazzy!
We went to Ebba's Fik to shot some coffee and eat some cake.

Then we skipped on to the pub Utposten were we got ourselves a half litre of the cheapest beer, equivalent to £4.20...
We scurried on to Gyllene Praag (Golden Prague) my favourite pub to hang out in, to get ourselves some Czech lager. Yeah lager is pretty much the thing here in Scandinavia (if you want a half litre of Guiness you pay £6.60)

I spotted my old art teacher from high school, Glenn and so he joined us and we concluded that it would be best in this current social construct if everybody was gay (because you know, men are cultured to be animals)

Then Nina joined in from across the other side of the ocean

Nina and I called it a night, the fat man waved us goodbye and "see you tomorrow"

Nina, Regina and I decided that we want to go to New York again in August when we're all 21 (I'm the last of the bunch)!!!!!

here is the proof:
Regina on a crazy post-modernist bench!
One of the It-clubs in Helsingborg:
The super-organised architectural structure of Scandinavia:
Ebba's Fik (Café):


Gyllene Praag:
Glenn and myself:

Nina and frost in her hair (it's only -5):


  1. I concur!
    I will celebrate Hogmanay with him next year if he'll allow it!
