Sunday 26 December 2010

I am the Angel of Cakes!

It's really cool when your step-mom's parents adore you!
Bake you cakes and call you Angel!
This stay at our country house isn't too bad after all, very overindulgent in terms of meat, whisky, wine and schnapps. I don't like schapps.
But I like having lunch from 2.30-6, having glögg (mulled wine) and Roquefort on gingerbread as an appetiser, have intermissions between the meals and then two mains and finally dessert in the couch with great Swedish coffee and home made gingerbread cake, saffron buns and all that jazz!
Now I am off to watch Chaplin in The Great Dictator, shazam!

But not gonna lie, I miss the spontaneity of Dundee and the lovely grazable people!!
I miss...

going out in Dundee with Ken (yeah we're in Kings and Cowards together, me and this master of music) and Andy (womanizer, you need to treat your women better)
because you meet loads of people that you love (Kirsty)!!!!!
.. and some really funny chaps (Aled)
.. chilling at Lindsay, Annuka and Mandi's (here with Paul)
...Dan and Annuka of Dizzuka!

See you soon - I come bearing more Christmas-y spirit!


  1. If you love Annuka so much,
    Why do you put pictures of other less meaningful friends?

    Think about it.
    Merry Christmas Izzy Stradlin :D <3

  2. Because I think I prove she's on the top of my list by visiting her in Geneva and travelling back with her to Scotland so she's never alone - I think that proves I care ;-)
