Thursday 23 December 2010

Finally, made it over to Scandinavia!

After being "trapped" in Dundee for an extra few days (I really don't mind cause some really cool people are staying there over Christmas) I managed to fly home yesterday in this really old tiny miniplane. I looked at my ticket prior to boarding and was like "oohh" good I get to sit in the front.
12A was 3 rows from the far back of the plane, 3 people per row, you crouched as you were boarding, and the aisle was for skinny people only. Like a business class jet from the 80's.
I was passed out the whole time like a baby probably dreaming obscenities not drooling too much, I missed breakfast and as I left the aircraft the stewardess was like "Nice to meet you!"
I was like "yeaaah..."
Everyone was way too keen for my sleep-deprived liking.
But when I got out of the airport and on the train I remember what I miss about Scandinavia, and what I only fully appreciate when I have been away for a while - everyone is so attractive, was eyeing up quite a few bodies on the journey home! And everything is so pretty, the architecture is nice, clean and minimalist - Scandinavia is (too) vain for it's own good!

We celebrated Christmas at mom's yesterday, pretty awesome with a Swedish julbord, meatballs, eggs, smoked salmon, herring, ham, the lot!
The present I appreciated a lot was the stack of LP's I got (basically making up my collection since I only own 3, Jon & Vangelis Private Collection, Jean Michel Jarre's Equinoxe, and Latin Kings) including Steppenwolf, Joe Cocker, Elton John, the Animals, Rolling Stones, Beatles, etc and some crazy titty covered LPs.

Now we're off to take the bus up to our summerhouse outside Gothenburg to celebrate Christmas at dad's!
Best hurry!

Yesterday's julbord:

Snaps! C'est trés degoûtant!

Mom as Post-Modernist Santa Claus!

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