Tuesday 20 April 2010

A healthy lifestyle is key to successful studying

or well on the way! Who can study when they feel like crap eating chocolate bars and drinking coke all day? (EWW) Not me!

Yesterday after studying I went to Sleek Physique class and then afterwards met up with Kirsty in the gym. Man were we tight! Felt like a spindly baby chick afterwards! We of course went to Wetherspoon's for some nachos and then had a burger and some amazing ginger beer - after an intense gym session this doesn't fill you up, believe it or not!

So we went home to mine and had some very interesting conversations (imagine how attractive we would be in say, India, like a 10+! But then again would you want these creeps perving on you? And we'd be considered sluts since we wear bright colours (read: turquoise Doc Martens)...) along with interesting dessert - fromage frais with frozen raspberries and baby cherry tomatoes! Then we watched Pulp Fiction and fell asleep - another great evening!
Today I feel like a tenderised piece of meat.

Currently enjoying a healthy brunch, a hummus turkey bagel with salad, peppers, chili and cucumber along with organic rasperry yogurt with kiwi and pistachio nuts thrown into it - feeling good!
And at last I'm sticking to my study schedule!

1 comment:

  1. Staying healthy while sudying is often a challenge. Students are often on a tight budget, loaded with work, and the last thing they want to do is spend the few hours left in the kitchen! But there's still ways to eat healthy in this situation. Having a blog about nutrition and green living, I know a coule of tips and tricks to stay healthy with a hectic schedule! And as you said in this post, eating healthy is a sure bet for better concentration while studying.
