Sunday 9 May 2010

Dundee's Finest Moments

Today has been amazing. I did not study, but went into town on this sunny a day to meet up with Kirsten and Lizzie and to buy loads of things... Great fun! Then I headed off to the last gig at Chambers, before it shuts down and moves to the Cooler. Apparently the Chambers locale will be turned into a fish and chip shop, interesting to see the results!

Check this day out:
On a stroll down town shopping, markets are open, the sun is out:

Lizzie and me:
"Dundee people are mingin', ey"-Kirsten:
Walking home detouring to all the nicest places:

Sipping some fluids at Laing's:
Last night for Chambers, we were on first:
Panic by Flare:
Make your mark:

14 Miles from Home sweating it out:

"I can't believe this is it":

Take a moment to say goodbye:
Steal the original Chamber's furniture:

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